Feel undervalued or underappreciated as a dental nurse?

At locumloop we understand the frustrations of dental nurses. This is what led us to the concept of locumloop. 

Every dentist would be absolutely lost without their dental nurse. I (Neal) rely on my nurse so much and can honestly say that I would be a ‘headless chicken’ without her. Our dental nurses just seem to make everything work so smoothly and seamlessly. 

  1. How would we prepare the surgery for that complex root canal without them?

  2. How would we calm that patient down without them?

  3. How would we open and close that surgery without breaking something?

The list goes on…. The way you are treated massively determines your feelings towards the profession. Although many dental nurses are very happy, it surprises me that a significant number are also unhappy. The same topics reappear:

  • I feel undervalued 

  • I feel underappreciated

  • I feel I’m underpaid 

My dental practices would not run without the tireless effort of my nurses. They really go far and beyond on a daily basis. I would hope that my nurses don’t feel underappreciated as this is definitely not the case!

At locumloop we need you and we rely on you! We appreciate that you have a very specific skill set and there are only a few of you out there that can do what you do! We want you to have job satisfaction – locumloop can make that happen! Whether you have recently qualified or have 20 years experience we want you and need you.

Just click here to join locumloop.


How can I join the locumloop team as a Locum Dental Nurse?